Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hitting a Brick Wall

I know. You are right to be exasperated with me. I keep saying I will post on a regular basis. And I keep disappearing. This is exactly why I am doing this blog here, in a relatively secluded corner of the Web. I know myself! No matter what it is I want to accomplish, I always have some false starts and roadblocks. (Although the most recent, a move, family illnesses, starting a family business, all seem legitimate excuses. Aren’t they? Well, OK. You are right. Not if blogging is important to me.)

I recently heard in an amazing speech by a Dr. Randy Pausch. In “The Last Lecture”, he stated that the brick walls (that keep you from accomplishing your dreams) are there to make you realize the importance of your dream. The more important, the more you will work at getting past the brick wall, whatever the cost. If it isn’t important, you will change dreams. Not a bad thing, necessarily. Sometimes a dream or goal needs to be changed or even discarded.

This is not that kind of goal!

My desire to blog is so much bigger than that. This brick wall I keep meeting needs to be scaled, tunneled under, broken down or gone around! Not because my dream is to blog. My dream is so much bigger than that. But consistent blogging is a huge step to reaching so many of my dreams that I will keep at it til I succeed.

I hope you will stick around and watch my progress. And I hope I inspire you to break through a few of your own brick walls. THAT, after all, is my real dream. To encourage and inspire others.